Why I Said Yes


I traveled 22 hours with four little girls, 3 of us sick with whatever crummy bug has been going around, to return from spending the holidays with family in France to our home in San Diego. Within minutes of arriving home, I had tucked all four of my daughters in their beds, exhausted by the trip, the jet lag, the 24 hours with no sleep. My entire body begged me to join them and crawl between the sheets, but I knew I had to unpack and repack my suitcase: I was heading to Indianapolis early the next the morning to speak at Alpha Chi Omega’s Leadership Academy. After all that family travel, there were few reasons compelling enough to turn back around and get on a plane (to the frozen Midwest in January, no less!).

But, speaking at Alpha Chi Omega’s Leadership Academy was an easy “yes” for me.

I am very clear on what my personal life mission is; what I want to accomplish on this earth before I leave it. I have my small mark to make on the world (I believe we all do), and I say “yes” to the activities that advance my life mission, and no to those that don’t. Simple, but not always easy.

I arrived in Indianapolis, my cold worsened by the multiple flights (did I mention my flight was cancelled and I ended up spending 20 hours getting to Indianapolis, including an unscheduled overnight at Chicago O’Hare?). I tell you this not to complain, but to paint an accurate picture: I had my moments of doubting my decision to go.

Until I met the women. I looked out at the room of several hundred eager faces, young leaders ready to absorb any wisdom I might have. I gave my speech (you can see it here), and I stood outside the ballroom and met with one woman after another, sharing their own stories back with me. I could have stayed all night, but there were more sessions for the ladies to attend (and frankly, I had already made them a bit tardy with all our chatting).

What a gift. Thank you, Alpha Chi, for including me. Not just now, but from the moment you invited me to pledge back in 1986.